Tuesday, November 1, 2011

My First Post

I love fashion. That is just how it is. It's the most amazing thing, and you can express yourself in anyway you like. I'm a dancer, and I love incorporating different inspirations from my dancing into my cloths. Like for instance, if I'm feeling a bit ethereal one day I can just slip on my thin sweater and head to ballet class. It's that simple.

Here is everything you need to know about me, and also a couple of my favorite style secrets:

My favorite color: Yellow. It's so bright and happy :)

My favorite pair of shoes: My black Naot clog-heels. I adore them.

My favorite magazine: Teen Vogue. I'm a teen, and it brings me so much inspiration, it's crazy!

My favorite book: The "I am Number Four" book. I love sci-fy and fantasy things. Once again, another inspiration.

My described style: Preppy meets rocker chick. It's quite interesting.

My favorite make-up item: my bright red Jane Iredale lipstick. It adds a pop of color to any rainy day.

My favorite D.Y.I.: Cropped tees. If you have any old t-shirt or a t-shirt that may be too small, just chop it off about have way, and make it to where it goes to the bottom of your bra, or lower even.

Yeah. That's Lady Beret! Now on to a couple things that I always keep in my closet-

(I'm not sure if this is showing up to you as a URL or not, that's what it did for me, if so please do click on it.)
Billabong- I LOVE BILLABONG! I know they make mostly summer items, but if you layer, the patterns and colors are absolutely heaven!

Aerie is my go-to store. It's my favorite. If I had to shop in one store for the rest of my life, it would be this one. (Plus, there bras and panties are outrageously comfy.)

I like Hot topic a bunch. They have some pretty awesome t-shirts, and they really help tie in the whole rocker chick side of my style.

And then there's Madewell. I love Madewell.

Okey Dokey my friends, it is time for me to go and start on my math homework! Oh joy1 I actually like math, it's just that I would MUCH rather be blogging. I will also tell you what I'm wearing today.

I wore my patchwork jeans with some army green converse, with a light pink tee and a dark gray aerie sweater. Gotta love it.

Okay, have a nice day!

Fill yourself with Pashion, immerse yourself in Fashion.

Lady Beret.

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